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Before Storing Tanks Of Diesel Fuel, Ask These Questions

Your fleet trucks and various machines in your facility may have diesel engines and require appropriate fuel. Running out for fuel all the time or having it delivered frequently is an option, but you might want to just have extra tanks so that diesel engines are filled right when they need to be instead of waiting. However, before tank storage can happen, the following related questions need answers:

1-Do We Have an Appropriate Place for Tanks?

To keep surrounding areas safe and to protect anyone operating your vehicles, you need to think seriously about where diesel tanks may go on your property. Simply lining them along the periphery may disturb neighbors, but putting them in the center of your operations can also present problems. Do some brainstorming with employees to find the best site.

2-Should We Have Concrete Dikes? 

When you've settled on a particular part of the property, you must consider concrete dikes. These dikes serve many important functions. For starters, they are barriers between the diesel tanks and soil; if a tank begins to slowly leak, it will do so on the concrete, and the fuel won't contaminate the ground. Fuel stains will be more visible on concrete, so if there is a leak, the leak is quickly found and repaired. Also, the dikes protect the tanks from large machines and trucks which could accidentally hit them. Should an accident occur, the dykes ensure that tanks aren't involved. This is especially important in the case of fires; concrete dikes provide more protection than if the tanks were out in the open.

Of course, the cost of constructing these dikes and adequate time to build them must be considered before you have any tanks delivered.

2-Does My Town Allow This?

You may be no stranger to permits or zoning issues, but learning that many cities require special documentation about tanks could be a surprise. Your commercial zone guidelines may prohibit long-term tank storage. You may need to present documentation for a permit, and if it is rejected, you may need time to work on a variance which will allow your property to have the diesel tanks you want. A number of discussions with municipal employees may be necessary before you're cleared to store the tanks.

Storing these tanks requires thought and real preparation. Once you've answered these tank-related questions, work with diesel fuel distributors to acquire these tanks and ensure they are always full. Contact a company like Buy Rite Fuels, LLC for more information and assistance. 
